If you are currently employed or do not have time at your disposal to attend full-time classes, an alternative to studying for your matric is to sign-up for distance education classes. You would require a computer and internet access as the majority of these classes are online. The advantage of distance learning is that you can do this from any area in the country, provided you have internet access and because you do not attend classes, you can study at times that suit you. Please bear in mind that this will require a high degree of commitment and discipline on your part but if you are determined to complete your matric, this could be a good option for you. Read more about why online learning is the future of education and how you can benefit from it by clicking here.
Below you will find a list of organisations that offer distance learning for matric.

Brainline – Matric for Adults
If you are over 18 and have a computer with Internet access, you can achieve your matric from Brainline within only two years!
College of Supported Learning
At College SA, we offer distance learning courses in a wide range of study areas that are open to students who have not obtained their Matric Certificates.
Damelin offer three streams of matric: First-time writing matric, re-writing matric and adult matric (for the over 21s).
Elroi Academy
Elroi Upgrading Academy offers Matric Rewrites and Upgrades Online.
- Online courses deliver the content with short video lectures and electronic exercises for endless practice.
- All our courses are designed not just as a repeat of Grade 12 but rather as a comprehensive coverage of all the grade 10-12 CAPS content (This is crucial for 2014 upgraders that have not done Gr10-12 CAPS content).
- Our teachers are qualified experienced upgrading educators with a passion that cares where you’ve come from and where you will be going.
- We now also offer online upgrading of Old Syllabus subjects and some of our campus courses can be offered in Afrikaans.
Futures Academy is an independent online high school offering flexible learning solutions for grades 7-12. The Academy is registered with the Western Cape Education Department.
Matric Booster
We offer two programs. Namely the Matric Upgrade and the Matric Extra Classes program. Subjects offered: Mathematics, Life Sciences, Tourism, Accounting and Physical Sciences. Students may choose their preferred subjects.
(Please note that on the 23rd September 2020 the website for this organisation was not working)
Matric College
Matric College came to exist through the partnership of businesses which share a single core value. We believe that education should be available to everyone, regardless of the background, age, or experience. Because of this belief, Matric College was created to help people get their matric or find new ways to get the education they need for a brighter future. Getting the right education is extremely important in order to start the career of your dreams. We’re here to help you take the first step to a better tomorrow.
Oxbridge Cambridge
Our Senior Certificate (as amended) programme assists older students to get their Matric qualifications. Register and start studying today to obtain your Matric! If you never completed Matric or would like to rewrite subjects in order to obtain your Senior Certificate (as amended), this programme is for you. Exam sessions are held yearly during June/July and exact dates will be communicated as they become available.
Taal-Net Virtual School
Matric Rewrite NSC NC. All Matric Rewrite Classes, National Certificate, National Senior Certificate & Technical Matric.
The Taal-NET Virtual Classroom is an interactive e-learning model that enables the educators and the students to give and receive education online, respectively over the Internet. It allows Taal-NET teachers & learners to communicate, interact, collaborate with one another remotely from any geographical area, without being physically confined to one place, via video conferences, video recording, audios, real-time text chats.
Telkom Lightbulb Education
Catch up on your Grade 7-12 Maths and Science with interactive online courses. Do it on your terms with Lightbulb Education. Get on the zero-rated e-learning platform that allows you to expand your genius with a simple click. Learn from the comfort of your home on any device, at any time – free for Telkom customers.
Think Digital Academy
Internationally acclaimed online school.Think Digital Academy, is an online school that prides itself in providing world-class online learning to students all over the world. We present our online content in an interactive, engaging, and effective way for virtual school students. Think Digital Academy (TDA) is also the first online school not only providing the United States GED but also the British International and South African CAPS curricula, as well as other exciting courses. They offer CAPS grades R through 12.
UCT Online High School
It’s never too late! Do a twenty-four-month, part-time, online course with UCT Online High School in preparation for your Adult Matric and find success at any age. Join our 24 month Adult Matric programme and receive your CAPS aligned National Senior Certificate – because its never too late to have success at any age.