Learnership opportunities are offered by different SETAs and organisations A learnership is a learning-programme which emphasises practical work experience and combines it with theoretical learning provided by an accredited training provider. The result is a national qualification upon successful completion of both the theoretical and the practical experience components. The Learnership is an alternative route to acquiring the necessary skills for a particular career and has the advantage of providing a small allowance during the learnership.
Learnerships vary in terms of their academic requirements stipulated by the organisation that is offering the learnership. Some learnerships require matric, but some will take into account age and life experience of the applicant. Do some homework first to see if you qualify for the particular learnership that you are interested in. Below are some links you may find of interest…
Gauteng Department of Health: Nursing Traineeships 2024
Traineeship Application closing date for 2023 was the 31st July 2022. Please keep an eye on the Gauteng Department of Health website. to find out dates fro 2024 Applicants are invited to apply to the Gauteng College of Nursing to study towards the Diploma in Nursing at one of the College campuses: • Ann Latsky Campus • Chris Hani Baragwanath Campus • SG Lourens Campus • Bonalesedi Campus.
To successfully apply and be considered for the training, please take note of the following:
- Must be a South African citizen, who resides in the Gauteng Province.
- You must be in possession of one of the following school leaving certificates – a Senior Certificate, a National Senior Certificate, currently in Grade 12 or National Vocational Certificate Primary Health
To find out more and to apply, go to the Gauteng Department of Health website.

Services SETA Learner Portal
Services SETA have created a learner portal to help collect information about potential learners looking for opportunities to receive training. Being on the learner portal helps employers and training providers locate you when they are looking for learners. The information on the learner portal will be shared with employers, training providers and partners offering Services SETA funded programmes.
The Services SETA learner portal lets you manage your profile directly with the Services SETA as a potential learner looking for opportunities in training programmes funded by the Services SETA. The following is what you can do on the learner portal.
- Create your profile
- View and edit your personal and contact details
- Subscribe to receive notices and communication from the Services SETA
To find out more, go to the Services SETA website
The Services SETA website also lists a number of occupational qualifications that provide learnerships. These can be found on this page of the Services SETA website.

More links…
Studentroom lists learnerships, internships and other useful information on their website. Although most of the learnerships require matric, there are some that stipulate less, such as grade 11.
SA CareerWise
Government jobs.
Learnership Plus (+)
Alphabetical listing of popular learnerships.
Available learnerships
This website not only lists learnerships, but also lists internships and scholarships.
Transnet learnerships
Current available transnet learnerships listed on their facebook page.
Learnerships in South Africa
A comprehensive list of the major companies offering learnerships from the website GoLearnership.
Top Learnerships SA
Searchable list of learnerships available in South Africa.
Spoornet learnerships 2016-2017
Do you love transport and all things associated with it? Do you have a passion for railroads and ships?If this is you, then Spoornet learnerships in this industry may just be what you need. Spoornet as it was formerly known, has changed its name. However, there are still many programs available under this name, most will be seen as ‘Transnet Freight Rail’, in the future. This company makes up a great part of the ‘South African Railway & Harbours’ industry. This company is state-controlled and have in their employ thousands of people.
GoCareers is a leading career portal website, which aims to help graduates find the right career path. They provide an up-to-date directory of all the latest jobs, internships, bursaries, graduate programmes, learnership and apprenticeships.
SETA is an acronym for Sector Education and Training Authority. An important reason for their existence is to help improve skills of both the employed and unemployed in various sectors. They do this by ensuring that skills training is uniform and of acceptable quality throughout South Africa. They are closely involved in the development of learning programmes and ensure that these programmes follow the governments national skills development plans. Many of the SETAs encourage ABET training for employees with their respective sectors.
Twenty-three SETAs exist. The members of a SETA include employers, trade unions, professional bodies, government departments and bargaining councils, where relevant, from each industrial sector.
Agricultural Sector Education and Training Authority (AgriSETA)
Banking Sector Education and Training Authority (BANKSETA)
Chemical Industries Education and Training Authority (CHIETA)
Construction Education and Training Authority (CETA)
Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Sector Education and Training Authority (CATHSSETA)
Energy and Water Sector Education and Training Authority (EWSETA)
Fibre Processing and Manufacturing Sector Education and Training Authority (FP&M SETA)
Finance and Accounting Services Sector Education and Training Authority (Fasset)
ABET is considered important a sector skills priority in this sector, over and above the constitutional right to basic education for all citizens. Fasset has developed a user-friendly ABET Guideline, entitled “EmployerGuide to Adult Basic Education and Training and Implementation in the Workplace”. They also have an ABET brochure availabe for downloading with more information and guidelines on ABET training in the financial sector.
Food and Beverage Manufacturing Industry Sector Education and Training Authority (FoodBev SETA)
Health and Welfare Sector Education and Training Authority (HWSETA)
Insurance Sector Education and Training Authority (Inseta)
Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority (LGSETA)
Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services Sector Education and Training Authority (merSETA)
Many workers in the manufacturing, engineering and related services sector lack the required basic education to enable them to access further learning and development. Workplace basic education and training is important to increase the development of skills in the manufacturing, engineering and related services sectors. The MERSETA has since its establishment implemented large scale Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) projects aimed employees in companies in the manufacturing, engineering and related services sectors. Find out more.
Mining Qualifications Authority (MQA)
Public Service Sector Education and Training Authority (PSETA)
Safety and Security Sector Education and Training Authority (SASSETA)
Services Sector Education and Training Authority (SSETA)
Transport Education Training Authority (TETA)
Wholesale and Retail Sector Education and Training Authority (W&RSETA)